Why a Blog? Why Now?

Like many today I have been watching current events closely.  It is clear to me that we are at a tipping point in the history of our society.  This is a time for introspection for each of us; and we may not all come to the same conclusion of what these events mean personally.  But, it is clear to me that I have to change my direction.  My conclusion is that I am afraid….very afraid.  

I am not afraid of what will happen with the current pandemic.  I am not afraid of the current political struggle in our country.  I am not afraid of my own economic stability.  

I am afraid of my own silence.  

I have to say that I am also afraid of how my lack of silence will be received.  So much so that it has paralized me into apathy.  So, the question remains what am I more afraid of my silence or my acceptance?  Obviously, I am more afraid of my silence and this is best explained by the following experience I had one night during my late twenties.

I was reading a passage in the bible which discussed the “Fear of God”.  I went to sleep wondering why would anyone fear God?  God is love.  God is merciful.  God is everything good.  Well, I learned that night be careful what questions you ask as you drift off.  I had a dream that night that thirty years later is as fresh in my mind as it was that next morning.  I came walking outside of a building to a desolate landscape of dust and wind.  There were: no plants, no animals, no blue sky.  Only a couple of other people there standing nearby me trying to make sense of it all.  I immediately knew what was happening.  I spoke up and said “today is the day”.  At that moment I saw Jesus Christ descend from above.  His presence was overpowering.  There was no doubt as to his true nature.  Yet, I never felt more afraid in my entire life.  I was absolutely terrified.  I can not think of it to this day without being overcome by the experience.  I wanted to hide.  I looked everywhere for someplace to hide but, there was no place to go.  But, the worst part was the knowledge of where my fear was coming from.  I was afraid because I had not done my part.  I had not professed my belief in God.  I had not followed his instructions. I had not practiced my faith.  I was afraid of righteous judgement….I was afraid of being cast out of his presence…the one place in all of creation that I wanted to be.

Well, I wish I could tell you that there was a complete transformation from that day…but, no it was just one more event on my faith journey.  I continued to try my best as many of us do.  When the idea to start this Blog first came to me I actually thought what will people think?  Our society has been very effective in silencing us by political correctness, peer pressure and even intimidation.  If you don’t agree with certain groups you are racist, intolerant, criminal and every other negative title imaginable.  I am not a great thinker.  I am not a theologian.  I am not a philosopher.  I am just a normal individual who has but time and thought together to express my ideas.  My conclusion is this:

Profess your faith often and as straightforward as possible without any compromise or ambiguity.